Þingmannaráðstefna um sameiginlega utanríkis- og öryggismálastefnu ESB.

Hér má sjá ræðu Jónu Sólveigar

“I take the opportunity to underline the importance of including women in the dialogue on security and defence. A field that, to be honest, has traditionally been a men’s playing field. This is reflected in our Conferences’ programme, which lists 19 men and only 3 women among key participants as well as in the numbers of democratically elected participants, where, according to the conference participant’s list, we have 71 men and only 20 women from the member states.

In the recent EU Joint Statement on the International Women‘s Day it says that attacks on women‘s rights are on the rise – and that women are among the most vulnerable in conflict zones. However, in the statement, I missed actions on women, peace and security, work in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1325. People are becoming more aware of the clear link between gender equality and a well-functioning democracy. The fact is that real democracy cannot exist without gender equality and vice versa. And sustainable peace cannot be achieved if women are excluded from the dialogue and the decision-making table. This is something that we need say out loud. Especially now that we seem to be entering a very challenging period in international affairs. Now is when it really matters.

Hence, my question to Ms Mogherini: Could you elaborate on the current status of the EU’s work on including women in conflict and security dialogue and thereby promoting the role of women in peace efforts?”

Þess má til gamans geta að Federica Mogherini, utanríkismálastjóri ESB tók heilshugar undir málflutning Jónu Sólveigar.